Express Services, Inc Приложения

ExpressJobs Job Search & Apply
Express Services, Inc
Search and apply for jobs, view your work schedule, enter yourtime, and more...
Express Health Benefits 4.0.101
Express Services, Inc
All of your Express health benefits in one easy-to-access place!
ProRecruiter 2.13.2
Express Services, Inc
Staying connected with your Specialized RecruitingGrouprepresentative is easy with the ProRecruiter app! TheSpecializedRecruiting Group is a leader in professional search.We’recommitted to delivering an incredible experience for thetalentedcandidates who choose to work with us and our clientcontacts, whorepresent many of the top employers in the localcommunities weserve. When you choose to build your career with us,theProRecruiter app is your tool to stay engaged and connectedwithyour local recruiter and provides access to a wide varietyoffeatures to help ensure we connect you with the rightjobopportunities that align with your career goals. Some of thekeyfeatures of the ProRecruiter app include: 1. Stay in contactwithyour Specialized Recruiting Group representative 2.Receiveinformation and job opportunities based on your profile,interests,and location 3. Manage your work schedule and sync toyour personalcalendar 4. Submit and view time reports 5. Completeonboardingdocuments 6. Accept and confirm job offers 7. Referfriendsinterested in new job opportunities Specialized RecruitingGroupoffices are locally owned and operated, so we’re directlyimpactedby the success of our business community. We have a vestedinterestin doing our part to foster thriving local employmentmarkets. Ourkey differentiator is the added support and stabilityof aninternational headquarters with four decades ofstaffing,professional search, and HR expertise. It’s the best ofbothworlds: small business flexibility, big company resources.